About the Bonehead Reunion

It all started at Homecoming 2008, when more than 30 boneheads showed up and made all the other sections look puny and sad in comparison. (Which, granted, is the usual state of things.) Bonehead alum Vuk suggested that, though this was awesome, it was far from the full assemblage of boneheads throughout history.

At first, there was excitement for the idea. After all, that much bonehead logic in one place is bound to upset a few lunar orbits. But we got held up by the general apathy of planning things. (Usually we rely on the girls for that.) Seriously, you think health care reform is taking a long time? If Congress conducted everything by the bonehead listserv, the Senate would still be talking about the Treaty of Ghent. (On the other hand, the world would be a much stranger and happier place if all legislation had to be filtered through the boneheads.)

(Speaking of which, if you are not currently on the bonehead listserv and would like to reconnect with the current and former boneheads through occasional emails about football, bacon, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, let us know.)

The goal of the Bonehead Reunion is to bring together all boneheads, past, present, and future.
Present boneheads will be there anyway. There are 11 of us, plus Viscount, so 12.

The first Northwestern band was formed in 1887. Supposing an average class size of three boneheads, there have been 366 boneheads between 1887 and 2009. Add to that the 12 we had, plus four former boneheads who have left NUMB but entered it in the last three years (that I can think of... I know I'm missing someone), we're at 382.

Future boneheads are trickier. I don't think it's really fair of us to expect the ones who haven't been born yet, so let's focus on the ones who are out of the womb. We've got 18 years of possible recruits, and suppose NUMB gets better at recruiting (since at this point, we're in a recruit-or-die situation) and have an average class size of five. That's 90 more boneheads, putting us at 472.

Just to reach a nice-looking number, let's say we finally succeed in recruiting Matt Yetter, too, before he graduates. And two more as yet unnamed people. So that's 475.

We have 475 potential boneheads for the Bonehead Reunion. Now, some might argue that it's unreasonable to expect the boneheads from the class of 1887 (who would be around 140 years old) to attend. I agree.

Out of fairness, let's knock it down to 449 potential Bonehead Reunion attendees, to give some of our older alumni a break.

In summation, the first ever Bonehead Reunion will be an epic event that you do not want to miss. Whether you were in NUMB for one year or five, if you spent any of that time as a member of the venerated trombone section, we'd like to see you. Before you enthusiastically head over to the "Confirm" page to indicate your incredible excitement for the event at hand, here are a few final reasons to attend the Bonehead Reunion:

- The 'Cats will be looking for revenge over Indiana for last year, so there will be plenty of bloodshed to "ooh" and "ahh" at on game day.
- There will be bacon.
- And probably references to Arnold Schwarzenegger.
"Go U" in a round with 49+ Boneheads. It'll be absolutely beautiful. (Or, dare I dream... 449 Boneheads?)
- The look on director Dan Farris' face when he looks up and sees a sea of Boneheads.
- The additional look on Mr. Farris' face when he sees his daughter gravitating toward us, as she clearly has always belonged in the "future Boneheads" category.

So buy the plane tickets, kiss the kids goodbye, and come spend the weekend living in revelry as the best (and most interesting) section in NUMB. Go 'Cats!


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